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Building a Personal Brand in Dance

Establishing a Unique Identity

In the competitive world of dance, particularly within the South African context, building a personal brand is essential. Unlike in more established dance markets, where opportunities are abundant and systems are formalised, dancers in South Africa often need to create a strong personal identity to stand out and succeed.

Authenticity Over Faking It

You can't fake it until you make it. Authenticity is crucial. Present the best version of yourself to influence how people perceive you. When someone first hears about you or meets you, they often look up your social media profiles and online presence. They consider how you present yourself, the image you project, your professionalism, and whether you are someone they would want to work with.

Professionalism and Relatability

Be intentional about your professional image. Integrate your personal image to create relatability and a human aspect to your brand. While it's okay to express personal opinions, ensure they contribute positively to your holistic personal image.

Visual Representation

Invest in professional photos, both full-length and portrait types, and share these on social media. Engage with industry issues and people at the level you aspire to reach. Share your work, thoughts, approaches, and ideas to invite engagement and learning from others.

Platform-Specific Presence

Tailor your content to each platform. Your image on TikTok should differ from Instagram, which in turn should differ from Facebook. LinkedIn should be your professional hub where you list achievements and work history, creating a detailed profile and curriculum vitae. Reflect on past work and project future ambitions to show potential collaborators what you aspire to achieve.

Consistency and Engagement

Be consistent in your output and maintain a regular presence. Repurpose content effectively and engage with others in your industry. Even with a team or business, your personal brand remains a critical element of your professional identity.

## Networking in the Dance Community

### Importance of Building Connections

Networking is particularly crucial in the South African dance industry, which is less structured and formalised than its counterparts in other countries. Building personal relationships and networks can significantly enhance your chances of success.

Active Networking

Consistently reach out via social media or phone. Share your work and ideas. As a creative, you will always generate new ideas—don’t shy away from sharing your opinions. Stand by your principles and back them up with facts.

Industry Engagement

Attend industry events and, if these are infrequent, participate in other relevant events where you can meet and engage with potential collaborators. Reach out via email to share ideas, providing value and thus becoming more valuable yourself.

Casting a Wide Net

Networking requires effort and a wide-reaching approach. Connect with as many people as possible to increase your chances of finding new opportunities. As the South African dance industry becomes more structured, the approach will evolve but will never become obsolete.

Personal and Professional Connections

Human nature doesn’t change, so personal and professional connections will always be necessary. When you network, people will check your social media and public profiles. Ensure your personal brand complements your public persona to leave a favourable impression.

By building a strong personal brand and actively networking, you can navigate the unique challenges of the South African dance industry, securing opportunities and creating a sustainable career.

I hope that you find this helpful and if you have any other suggestions or comments, please feel free to add them below.

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